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Our Story

Imani Bilal,Owner/Designer

VENUS VISUALS, The Jewelry Line


Venus Visuals is a reflection of culture, an ode to art, and a timeline of interwoven stories that are inclusive of my personal journey, along with the journey of women across the globe. My jewelry creations and hand picked/handmade imports are a silent way to celebrate these stories, preserving individuality, beauty and the essence of women. Venus Visuals is a colorful collage of style...shape, movement, and meaning. 


Established in 2009 as a shy girl who desired to adorn herself with jewelry that reeked fearlessness, Venus Visuals helped me to break out of my shell. Creative expression is what pulled me away from conformity and into confidence. Away from fear and toward flying. My jewelry creations represented not only who I was but who I wanted to be. Daring. Bold. Self Assured. I wanted to keep that feeling for myself yet share it with others. The result was an edgy yet elegant jewelry line, centered around statement pieces that merged eastern traditional concepts with modern innovative flair. Jewelry that spoke volumes and reflected my African/Native roots while simultaneously fitting my artsy, quirky, juxtaposing personality. Jewelry that does not hide. Jewelry for A Venus Woman.


The Venus woman is a conscious contradiction, meaning she believes a woman is not to be only one way. She is layered and has a story to tell. She's not perfect, but she is herself. Courageous and willing to take risks. Effortlessly intriguing, mysterious, and finds beauty in all. She sees jewelry as art, and art as langauge. She speaks through her accessories and personal style.





Venus Visuals vision surpasses physical adorment. We believe that our external beauty should  be a manifestation of the beauty within. We aim to improve the way women feel about themselves inside out and are dedicated to relentlessly promoting self love, self respect, and self acceptance, ultimately improving quality of lives. Venus Visuals offers a variety of events, workshops, etc geared toward fulfilling that mission.


"S.H.E.", Sisters Healing Each (Other) is a bi-monthly Healing Circle out of Washington DC headed by Venus Visuals, centered around various women's issues. Our goal is to provide a safe, sacred space for women to release, relax, and relate. We are determined to (re)learn ourselves, love ourselves, heal ourselves, and heal/help each other. We offer this space in the name of love and courage and we trust that over time we will create a band of women bonded by our shared experiences, a support system of sorts.


"Drop Gems, Rock Jewelz" is a program catering to young girls ages 9-12 that uses jewelry making basics as a platform to teach life skills, problem solving, and concepts of self esteem. The girls involved will get to keep whatever jewelry they create, and hopefully hold on to the life "gems" (lessons) learned as welll.

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